Work Package 2 - Decision Support

Work Package Lead: James Price (James Hutton Institute)


To develop a readily accessible, relevant, up-to-date, and easy to use Decision Support System (DSS) for the potato industry.


This work package will develop a decision support tool by updating the current AHDB PCN calculator to include some of the features included in NemaDecide (a successful DSS used in the Netherlands) such as a large variety database and a cost benefit analysis for different scenarios.

A study will be undertaken to determine the requirements of the DSS e.g., the availability of new information and evidence gaps.

Field experiments, based on the outcomes of the study, will be used to provide missing data under Scottish conditions for the decision model e.g., decline rates in different soils. The model will be implemented and updated throughout the project before a full release is made available towards the end of the project.

Linking the model to existing databases will be examined and integrated if appropriate. The DSS will be delivered through an electronic source.

For more information about WP 2, please contact: