
The factsheets below provide background information and summarise the aims of each work package.   

Cover Crops - Oil Radish


Cover crops are planted to provide a benefit to the field (e.g. improved soil health, or reduction of pests & diseases) without the expectation of harvesting the crop at the end of the season. 

It is though that the chemicals produced by oil radish can reduce PCN populations in the soil. Neill Smith at barnyards has been planting Bento oil radish on his land for multiple rotations.

Field trials are being conducted in 2024 to assess which oil radish varieties reduce PCN populations. 

The Estimated Economic Contribution of Scotland's Seed and Ware Potato Sectors


This report is part of Work Package 1: Economic Contribution of the Scottish Government funded research project: Delivering a sustainable potato industry for Scotland through management of Potato cyst nematode (PCN). As part of this workstream this report aims to provide new insights into the economic contribution that the Scottish potato sector makes beyond the often cited farmgate value of potato production. This report provides a statistical overview of this concentrated and highly regulated sector, including data on consumption, exports, imports, production, varieties, seed and ware sector – alongside estimates of economic contribution.